
Categories: Publications

“By including the role of workers’ safety representative (i.e. “RLS”) in the area of protected subjects such as trade unionists as representatives of collective interests, the expression of solidarity with other workers with general trade union political significance is included in the constitutionally protected right to criticize and the right to express opinions”. This has ....

Categories: Publications

The Court of Appeal of Milan, in its judgment no. 470/2024, again addressed the issue of whether the income from the sale of stock options may be included in the remuneration for the purposes of calculating notice and severance pay. The Court ruled that, in the present case, the income from the stock options was ....

Categories: Publications

With order no. 17450 of 25 June 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation – confirming its previous position – ruled that in the event that an employment relationship which is only ‘formally’ one of self-employment is found to be a subordinate employment relationship the indemnity regime typical of fixed-term contracts does not apply, but instead ....

Categories: Publications

Dismissal for a justifiable objective reason is unlawful if the employer does not prove that it has offered the worker lower-level positions, even on a fixed term basis. Before proceeding with a dismissal for a justified objective reason, the employer must demonstrate that he/she has explored all possible solutions to relocate the worker within the ....

Categories: Publications

In relation to accidents at work, the appointment of a supervisor is not sufficient to avoid the employer’s conviction. This was established by the Italian Court of Cassation, Criminal Section, judgment of 10 June 2024, no. 23049. The Italian Court of Cassation clarified that the employer must exercise reasonable vigilance to prevent the establishment of ....