31st Annual Meeting and Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (Alberto De Luca – 9 march 2023)

Categories: News, Events | Tag: Licenziamento, Contenzioso del lavoro, Labour litigation, Dismissal

12 Mar 2023

Our partner Alberto De Luca participated in the 31st Annual Meeting and Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA). Alberto took part in the panel discussion entitled: ”Lawyer, I want to fire an employee in another country for poor performance. How do I do this and what are the risks?”

The discussion dealt with an Employment law survey report, involving almost 30 countries from around the world, and which focused on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for employment disputes and on the employment process.

During his talk, Alberto addressed guiding clients through redundancies and employment dispute resolution around the world, considering the options, processes, and potential legal risks associated with a regional or global workforce, giving specific attention to:

  • Release Agreements
  • Mediation/conciliation
  • Arbitration
  • Litigation (process, damages, costs, appeals)

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