De Luca & Partners’ new advertising campaign “Let’s play doubles on all fields” gets started

Categories: News, Press review | Tag: social shock absorbers, Covid-19, smartworking, redundancies

04 May 2020

Smart woking, remote control, redundancies, target work, social shock absorbers.

More than ever the world of work is living a moment of deep change and for this reason integrated consulting becomes a real necessity.

De Luca & Partners and HR Capital since the beginning have always formed a single team of Labour Lawyers and Labour Consultants to support companies in their work.

“We play doubles on all fields”: this is the headline of our 2020 advertising campaign. After “Yes, we only think about work”, our firm is back in communication with an important new feature. At a time when companies are facing increasingly important challenges, we present our entire team: a single team that includes not only De Luca & Partners’ Labour Lawyers, but also the Labour Consultants of our subsidiary HR Capital S.r.l..

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