Categories: Events
Alberto De Luca and Elena Cannone were speakers at the conference “Discrimination in the Jobs Act era” organised by Convenia in Milan on 15 June 2016. Click here to read more.
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Categories: Events
Enrico De Luca and Salvatore Vitiello (Employment Consultant of HR Capital) was a speaker in the first HR Breakfast appointment organised by De Luca & Partners on 26 May 2016. ABSTRACT To receive the English version of the slides, please send an email to
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Alberto De Luca participated to the following training courses as lecturer: “Disciplinary liability in the Public Administration” and “Disciplinary liability: code of conduct” within the scope of the “PA Value” project sponsored by INPS (i.e. the Italian National Social Security Institute) on 12 and 19 May 2016.
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Vittorio De Luca was a speaker at the “Smart working” webinar, organised by Willis Towers Watson on 21 April 2016 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. The results of a pulse survey on Smart working policies that are currently present in Italy were presented during the webinar. The survey was aimed at portraying the practices ....
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