
All the latest news on events, interviews and press reviews dedicated to labour law

Categories: Interviews

What social shock absorbers does the Jobs Act include in the event of dismissal? And how do they reconcile with protections for maternity? We spoke with Elena Cannone, a lawyer from the De Luca & Partners law firm in Milan, specialised in employment law. Unemployment benefits (Italian mobilità) during pregnancy. This social shock absorber regards ....

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Categories: Events

Alberto De Luca, from De Luca & Partners, was one of the speakers at the  “New trade union bargaining after the Jobs Act” organized by Convenia in Milan on 22 October 2015 and on Rome on 29 October 2015. Click here for more information

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Categories: Events

Vittorio De Luca, from De Luca & Partners, participated in the round table entitled “The impact of the Jobs Act on foreign companies in Italy” held on 15 October 2015, held at the Palazzo Lombardia – Milan, during Invest in Lombardy Days, organized by the Region of Lombardy, Unioncamere Lombardia, with the support of Promos ....

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Categories: Events

Vittorio De Luca, from De Luca & Partners, was one of the speakers at the “Attracting foreign investments in order to create innovation and growth: from policies to projects” convention held on 14 October 2015, at the Palazzo Regione Lombardia – in Milan.     GALLERY: [layerslider id=”7″]         DOCUMENTATIONS:   Click ....

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Categories: Events

The firm’s Managing Partner set to present a report on the latest changes to European employment legislation. Recent developments in European industrial relations and labour law will be on the agenda when US human resource managers and professionals meet in Detroit on 2nd October for a Global Forum on “European Industrial Relations and current trends”. Speakers at ....

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