DLP Insights

Social security cushions, system crisis certified by the virus (Il Sole 24 Ore, 23 February 2021 – Vittorio De Luca, Alessandra Zilla)

Categories: DLP Insights, Publications, News, Publications | Tag: Social security cushions, system crisis certified by the virus, Cig

23 Feb 2021

Comprehensive reform to be carried out using the ordinary wages guarantee (redundancy) Fund (CIG) as a model.

The last year saw the introduction of “extraordinary” income support tools, in terms of the financial resources allocated and also in terms of the type of and procedures for availing of social security cushions during employment. The Decree Law was the regulatory mechanism used, except in the case of the Budget Law. Up to seven Decrees – with as many conversion laws – were approved in just a few months, testing legal interpreters and making it practically impossible for firms to plan their strategies.

Despite the diversified regulatory context of the pandemic, there have been a number of constants in governmental decision-making. These include, for example, the use of the Covid wages guarantee (redundancy) Fund for fixed periods of time; and also the simplified trade union procedure for the ordinary Covid wages guarantee Fund, the supplementary income support Fund and redundancy fund guarantees under a special dispensation for companies that would otherwise have been left without supports.

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