De Luca & Partners organised a convention on the labour reform in March 2015, coordinated by the Moderator Maria Carla De Cesari (Journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore), with the participation of well-known speakers: Giampietro Castano (Crisis Unit Coordinator, Italian Ministry for Economic Development), Marco Bentivogli (National General Secretary, FIM CISL Unions), Massimo Bottelli (Director Assolombarda, Lombardy Employers Association). More than 180 attendees, including foreign nationals, who were offered a simultaneous interpretation service.
On 20 February 2025 Vittorio De Luca took part in the fifth edition of the Welfare & HR Summit of Il Sole 24 Ore, analysing the main labour law aspects related to the discipline of contracting and the novelties introduced, most recently, by the ‘Corrective Decree’. Here is the link to see an extract of ....
A recent ruling of the Court of Rome (no. 2615, dated March 4th, 2024) addressed, for the first time in Italy, the issue of the correct legal classification of the so-called “influencers”. According to this ruling, an influencerwho promotes a company’s products on a stable and continuous basis should be classified as an agent. Needless to ....
On Friday April 26, Alberto De Luca took part as a speaker to the conference “New World, New Wisdom” organized by Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA), discussing the main topics around recent developments and trends in the field of artificial intelligence and its impact in the word of HR, during the panel “LLaMA2, Bard, ChatGPT and ....
On April 11, Vittorio De Luca will attend as a panelist at the Annual IBA Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2024 during the panel entitled: “Panel: Breakout session one: Legal obligations in a borderless workplace”.A) for the Annual IBA Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2024. FOCUS The rise of digital nomads, satellite employees and Employers ....