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Categories: Publications | Tag: Dismissal, Employment & Labour Law

In the case of dismissal for objective reasons, the repêchage obligation may be limited by the fact that the dismissed person does not have the professional skills to perform the other job, even if it is of a lower level. However, this must be demonstrated by facts that are objectively established and proven by the ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Dismissal, Dismissal for just cause

In judgment no. 35066 of 14 December 2023, the employment division of the Italian Court of Cassation confirmed that an employee’s conduct outside work can irreparably damage the duty of mutual trust between the parties if it has only the potential objective capacity to impact the relationship and undermines the expectations of the future proper ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Dismissal, Court of Cassation

With Order no. 31660 of 14 November 2023, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled on a dismissal for a justified objective reason based on the need to cut costs. In this case, the employer had not demonstrated that the costs savings should be those specifically relating to the dismissed worker’s position rather than other positions ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Lavoro Agile, Remote Working, Court of Cassation, Datore di lavoro

The Court of Trieste, Employment Section, with order of 21 December 2023, no. 525/2023 has held that so-called “vulnerable” workers’ rights to work remotely cannot be “absolute” but must be balanced with the company’s organisational and production needs as envisaged by the employer. In the present case, a “vulnerable” employee worked remotely five days a ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Court of Cassation, Licenziamento, Corte di Cassazione, Contenzioso del lavoro, Dismissal

In its very recent judgment no. 2274 of 23 January 2024, the Italian Court of Cassation ruled that it is lawful for an employer to give notice of a second dismissal pending a judgment concerning a previous dismissal based on different grounds. However, the second dismissal has no effect if the first dismissal is declared ....

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