
All the latest news on events, interviews and press reviews dedicated to labour law

Categories: Publications | Tag: Dismissal, smart working, Covid-19, social shock absorbers, fixed-term contracts, Social security contributions exemption

Since the beginning of February 2020, the Italian public authorities have issued several emergency provisions to contain the risk of contagion and mitigate the economic and social effects of the pandemic ensuring financial support to families, businesses and workers. Furthermore, as consequence of the ongoing emergency the Italian Government continues to postpone the effectiveness of ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: accertamento ispettivo, obbligo contributivo, onere probatorio, pay contributions, inspection

The Court of Cassation no. 24208 – 02/11/2020 focused again on the value of the statements made during the inspection for the judge called to assess the existence of the employer’s obligation to pay contributions, especially if the latter has not fulfilled the burden of proof. The Supreme Court held that “The principle of self-sufficiency ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: fixed-term contracts, emergency legislation

The discipline of fixed-term employment relationships has undergone important amendments by the emergency legislation which has been the subject, and still is, of a wide debate by doctrine who did not spare themselves in identifying the countless critical profiles and contradictory. The contribution of the Vittorio De Luca and Antonella Iacobellis first offers an high-level ....

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Categories: Events | Tag: Non-competition agreement

Marco Giangrande and Antonella Lacobellis lectured during of the 23, 24 and 25 November Labour Law module training course. The module was part of the “Diritto e Impresa” (Milan) master’s course organised by Il Sole 24 ORE Business School. The course focused on the labour law sources, the essential elements of the subordinate employment relationship, ....

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Categories: Events | Tag: Social safety, extraordinary leave, Suspension of payments, Contribution exemption, ammortizzatori sociali, smart working, ban on dismissals, Decreto ristori

Our HR Breakfasts are back in webinar mode. Thursday 19 November, De Luca & Partners and HR Capital organised the HR Virtual Breakfast with a technical and legal focus on the latest developments in employment. Our Senior Associate Alessandra Zilla and HR Capital Labour Consultant Nunzio Lena took stock of recent emergency decrees moderated by ....

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