
All the latest news on events, interviews and press reviews dedicated to labour law

Categories: Press review | Tag: Coronavirus, Datore di lavoro, smart working

Here is the comment about Vittorio De Luca, published by Affari Italiani. In terms of Remote Working and spread of the Covid-19 virus, Vittorio De Luca, of Studio De Luca & Partners comments: “We are in the middle of an emergency and many companies have suddenly been forced to seek and adopt alternatives to normal ....

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Categories: | Tag: sicurezza sul lavoro, Coronavirus, protocollo, ambiente di lavoro

Published the Protocol that contains the guidelines for the adoption by companies of safety protocols in implementation of the provisions contained in the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March and which encourages discussion with trade union representatives in the workplace, so that the measures adopted are shared and made more effective through the contribution of ....

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Categories: Events | Tag: Coronavirus, Datore di lavoro

Elena Cannone will meet entrepreneurs, managers and experts at the online workshop organized tomorrow, Wednesday 11 March by RoadJob to share and identify the best management methods and best practices to face the COVID-19 Emergency. RoadJob shares and compares the measures taken to deal with the Coronavirus emergency during an online workshop to be held ....

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Categories: Press review | Tag: Coronavirus

Since the beginning of February, the work of our “Coronavirus HR Task Force”, made up of our close-knit team of lawyers (for employment law, security law and privacy issues) and HR Capital‘s labour consultants, has continued unceasingly. The complex situations that the context requires companies to deal with mainly concern: Interventions aimed at reducing labour ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: GDPR, Whistleblowing, whistleblower, personal data protection

Il Quotidiano del Lavoro publishes an article signed by Vittorio De Luca, Antonella Iacobellis and Martina De Angeli in connection with a recent decision of the Italian Data Protection Authority, which imposes a sanction of an Italian University for not having properly protected the personal data of two whistleblowers, by relying on the security procedures ....

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