Alesia Hima

Junior Associate

Alesia Hima

Alesia Hima has been working with De Luca & Partners since June 2024, after working at a leading international firm, specialising in employment law.

Alesia graduated from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2023 with a thesis in employment law. She then attended the master’s degree in Law and Business at the 24 Ore Business School.

Education and Professional
  • Graduated from the University of Modena in 2023


  • Italian
  • English

  • Spanish


Alesia is an expert in all employment law issues and provides legal advice to Italian and foreign companies, as well as providing assistance in court proceedings.

Publications and other activities

Alesia is the author of articles on employment law published in specialised journals.

Discover the publications of Alesia Hima