
Categories: Publications | Tag: Covid-19, Social safety nets

The pandemic has prompted the legislator to identify tools that can help companies and workers overcome the crisis and help companies move towards a new production system.The legislator, responding to social partners’ long-standing requests, has reformed the social safety nets and intervened on the existing inconsistencies to universalise and rationalise them, govern labour market instabilities ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Licenziamento

Con ordinanza 4404/2022 del 10 febbraio, la Cassazione torna a esprimersi circa i profili di legittimità del licenziamento (per giusta causa) intimato al lavoratore sul presupposto del grave inadempimento legato al rifiuto di assoggettarsi al trasferimento ad altra sede. Con l’ordinanza in commento, la Suprema Corte ha stabilito che, anche in ipotesi di trasferimento che violi l’articolo ....

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Categories: Publications

In its ruling no. 2286 of 3 December 2021, the Court of Venice, Civil Section II, ruled on the legitimacy of an audio recording made by a third party during a court case. Two of the three defendants in their proceedings against the same employer, had produced an audio recording of a work meeting held ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Employer controls, disciplinary measures

On 12 November 2021, in its ruling no. 33809, the Court of Cassation returned to the issue of employer controls using electronic tools, considering the principles and restrictions applicable to personal data protection. The Supreme Court confirmed that an employee’s PC data are company assets. Therefore, an employer can acquire and use the data for ....

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Categories: Publications

By an order of 11 August, the Court of Milan ruled that allowing a company’s official to disseminate hostile messages through the social networks against a union, its representatives and its actions is anti-union behaviour. The Court also found that the Company had encouraged its employees to join another union, by adding a link to ....

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