
Categories: Publications | Tag: fixed-term contracts, Decreto Agosto, Dismissal, social security contribution allowance, social shock absorbers

Legislative Decree n. 104/2020 (so-called “Decreto Agosto”) has just been published in the Official Gazette n. 203 of August 14, 2020. The most significant innovations concerning the employment profiles introduced by Legislative Decree n. 104/2020 are the following: A. Social shock absorbers In order to grant relief to all employers, a further eighteen (9+9) weeks ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Corporate immigration

The 2020 online edition of the “International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Immigration”, published by the Global Legal Group in partnership with the American Immigration Lawyers Association is now available. The publication includes the latest updates in the matter of corporate immigration in 32 countries of the world, and it is a helpful guide for ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: diritto del lavoro, Employment & Labour Law

Also this year, De Luca & Partners participated in the drafting of the 8th edition of the Employment & Labour Law volume, which is part of the Global Legal Insights collection. The eighth edition of the Employment & Labour Law guide, updated to 2020 and extended to 28 countries around the world, was made available ....

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Coronavirus, Relaunch Decree, health and safety at work

Vittorio De Luca, with Antonella Iacobellis and Alessandra Zilla, signed the firm’s contribution on health and safety at work and redundancy fund in derogation for multi-located companies. Click here to read the DLP insights related to the case at issue and the considerations of the Law Firm.

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Categories: Publications | Tag: Recovery Decree, Covid-19

Decree Law no. 34 of  May 19, 2020 (the so-called “Recovery Decree”), entitled “Urgent measures in the field of health, support for work and the economy, as well as social policies related to the epidemiological emergency by COVID-19”, has been published. Below is a summary of the main innovations related to the work profiles introduced ....

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