According to the case-law recently expressed by the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, Labour Section., by order No. 34968 of November 11th, 2022, the burden of proof regarding the damage to health caused by excessive work rhythms (so called damage from “overwork”) falls on the employee. According to the Court of Cassation, the employee must prove:
The evidence to the contrary will then be up to the employer who will demonstrate the normality of the work and its execution within sustainable limits.
Responsibility for Health and safety in the workplace lies with the following:
Depending on their company role, the employer is the main recipient of the resulting obligations and responsibilities. If supported by managers and supervisors, they share subsidiary liability with the employer.
If the failure to comply with health and safety legislation results in damage to the worker or a third party, the latter may ask the employer to compensate them. The employer can be held liable for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. Sanctions and compensation are: