On Friday April 26, Alberto De Luca took part as a speaker to the conference “New World, New Wisdom” organized by Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA), discussing the main topics around recent developments and trends in the field of artificial intelligence and its impact in the word of HR, during the panel “LLaMA2, Bard, ChatGPT and Co.– just tech talk acronyms or serious drivers for (positive) change in HR?”.


What’s hot and new in artificial intelligence and the world of employment law, and how do countries and companies cope with AI induced threats and chances on a regulatory / jurisdictional level? The panel covered recent developments and trends in the field of AI, its impact on our clients EHR cycle  Efrom hiring to firing – and the relevant employment AI related (current and upcoming) legislative framework.

Alongside the moderator among other topics they will debate, they will explore the impact of AI-based systems in the employment relationship, with the aim of identifying risks and opportunities arising from AI, also in light of the recently enacted EU Artificial Intelligence Act.

Click on this link to find out more about the conference.