Catégories: Case Law
With sentence no. 14305/2016 the Court of Cassation confirmed the unlawfulness of dismissal for disciplinary reasons in the case of an employee dismissed during a dispute over the recognition by the employer of a revised job description involving additional duties. The employee in question took possession of documents useful for the case, sending them from ....
Catégories: Legislation
A few months after the online procedure for the notification of resignation and agreements to terminate employment came into effect, amendments are already being recommended. The Employment Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate have approved, with some observations, the proposal of Labor Consultants to introduce «corrective measures» to improve the new procedure ....
Catégories: Legislation
Dans le cadre de la séance du 22 juillet 2016, la Commission Travail du Sénat, a approuvé le « nouveau » texte de projet de loi sur le travail indépendant et le travail flexible (le « smart working »), en apportant d’importantes modifications au texte d’origine présenté par le gouvernement en 2015. Concernant le travail indépendant, la réglementation est ....
Catégories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation with judgement No. 13455, filed on 30 June 2016, said the dismissal for prolonged absence imposed on a working mother for failing to comply with her employer’s order to resume service at a business unit located in a different municipality from the one where the woman worked at the time of ....
Catégories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation judgement No. 13676 of 5 July 2016, confirmed the principle of law already expressed by judgement No. 2550 of 10 February 2015, whereby for the purposes of the lawfulness of dismissal for just cause it is not necessary for the worker to have established expressly-prohibited conduct, but rather, it is sufficient ....