Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
Three decisions concerning the use of personal data were published in the Official Gazette of the EU last 4 May 2016. Namely, the new Regulation and two Directives, that is that concerning the processing of personal information during police and judicial activities, and that regarding the ‘Personal name record’ (i.e. the ‘Pnr’), that is the ....
Catégories: Practice
By way of the publication of Interdepartmental Decree No. 1462/2016 on the Ministry of Labour’s Website on 16 May 2016, the concessions on performance bonuses and on the amounts paid to employees by way of sharing into the company’s profits introduced by 2016 Stability Law have become effective. The Decree at issue governs, amongst others, ....
Catégories: Publications
Con la circolare n. 3 dell’1 febbraio 2016, il Ministero del Lavoro ha fornito le prime indicazioni operative sulla nuova disciplina...
Catégories: Publications
Ai sensi dell'art. 32, comma 4, lett. d), della L. n. 183/2010, in caso di somministrazione irregolare, l'accertamento della...
Catégories: Case Law
La Cour de cassation, dans son arrêt no 6775 du 7 avril 2016, a affirmé qu’un travailleur a le droit d’accéder à son dossier personnel contenant les documents et les actes se rapportant à son parcours professionnel et à l’avancement de sa carrière au titre de salarié ayant une relation de travail en cours. Dans ....