DLP Insights

Catégories: Case Law

With its judgments No. 1856 of 1 February 2016 and No. 1974 of 2 February 2016, the Court of Cassation has ruled on the existing distinction between agents and business procurers. In particular, the Court of Cassation has stated that the distinguishing features of an agency agreement are the continuity and stability of the activity ....

Catégories: Case Law

Par jugement n°1350 du 26 janvier 2016, la Cour de cassation a considéré légitime la sanction disciplinaire imposée à un employé qui, en présence d’une grève, avait refusé, suite à une obligation expresse contenue dans l’accord syndical appliqué, de remplacer un collègue absent dans une unité de temps en dehors des heures normales de travail. La ....

Catégories: Legislation

Le 28 janvier 2016, le Conseil des ministres a approuvé, entre autres, le projet de loi relatif aux mesures pour la protection du travail autonome non-entrepreneurial. Pour entrer en vigueur, la disposition en question – annoncée comme le Statut du travail autonome professionnel, car il représente le premier texte unitaire en la matière, devra suivre le ....

Catégories: Legislation

Amongst the main new developments introduced by the Stability Law for 2016, the amendments made to article 51 of the Consolidated Tax Act (TUIR) are particularly important. In particular, the measures foresee a personal income tax (IRPEF) exemption for: (i) supplies and services (aimed at education, training, leisure, welfare services and health care, religion) which, ....

Catégories: Practice

As regards the employment targeted at the disabled, Legislative Decree No. 151/2015 has introduced some new developments on the so-called ‘reserve quota’, partial exemptions, mandatory hiring procedures, automatic compensation for public employers and implementation of the so-called ‘Targeted employment database‘. Therefore, in order to enable the adjustment of the IT systems and ensure a full ....