Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
Increasing productivity of work by encouraging work-life balance: this is the objective of the Government, which has presented a draft law on smart working. In this paper, which will be released after approval of the Stability Law, one of the two sections deals exclusively with smart working, that is distance work, regardless of the geographical ....
Catégories: Legislation
Section 14 of Italian legislative decree 151/2015 has subjected the granting of tax and social security contribution allowances, provided for employment incentives contained in collective corporate or local agreements, to the filing on-line of these agreements with the Local Labour Office having jurisdiction. The new aspect compared to the previous legislative provisions which already provide ....
Catégories: Practice
With circular n. 22350 of 18 December 2015 the Ministry of Labour made some changes to the forms currently used in order to verify in a more thorough way the validity of resignations by working mothers and working fathers (but also agreed terminations), starting from 2016. This control confirms the desire to oppose the phenomenon ....
Catégories: Practice
Au terme de négociations longues et complexes, le 10 décembre 2015 a été signé le projet de renouvellement de la CCNT du secteur Caoutchouc – Plastique, expirant le 31 décembre 2015, qui sera soumis à la validation des travailleurs d’ici le 1er février 2016. Parmi les différents points de l’accord, il convient de noter (i) une augmentation moyenne ....
Catégories: Publications
With its ruling no. 23620 of 18 November 2015, the Cassation Court has declared dismissal for objective just cause...