Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
As this newsletter was being prepared, the final four implementing decrees of the Jobs Act were approved. Specifically, the national agency for active policies (Anpal) and sole watchdog agency will debut, and individual unemployment checks will become effective as well new rules on remote controls on employees and on social shock absorbers.
Catégories: Interviews
Le 31 mars dernier, Me Vittorio De Luca a été interviewé par la chaîne de télévision CNBC concernant l'impact du Jobs Act sur les données relatives à l'évolution de l'emploi en Italie.
Catégories: Interviews
L'avocat Vittorio De Luca a été invité le 19 juin par Rai News 24 pour commenter les décrets d'application récents du Jobs Act (loi sur l'emploi).
Catégories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 6150 of 13 July 2015, the Court of Milan clarified that if the relative contract contains a penalty preserving employment for the fact claimed against an employee, dismissal of such employee is considered illegal, with his consequent right to be reinstated in his job (in addition to payment for damages).
Catégories: Case Law
With its ruling no. 5076 of 13 March 2015, the Cassation Court en banc session confirmed that in terms of social security contributions, the additional sums due by the taxpayer for omitted or late payment of contributions or insurance premiums, are part of the category of civil penalties.