DLP Insights

Catégories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 14106/2015, the Court of Cassation declared a dismissal of an employee for just cause wrongful due to a late letter of admonition. In the case in question, a disciplinary proceeding was started in April 2010 against the worker, who was arrested in January 2009 for events not related to his employment.

Catégories: Case Law

Le Tribunal de Milan, Section Travail, par sentence n°862/2015, a rejeté le recours déposé par un ancien employé de notre Société assistée, qui s’était adressée au juge précité afin d’obtenir, entre autres choses, des écarts de rétribution découlant (i) de la reconnaissance d’une période de travail non régularisée ; (ii) de la reconnaissance d’un encadrement supérieur ; ....

Catégories: Publications

The Court of Cassation once again rules on the legitimacy of a second dismissal notified by the employer on the same employee while a challenge...

Catégories: Legislation

Two new decrees implementing the wide employment law reform of 2015 (so-called Jobs Act) have just been published on the Italian Official Gazette