DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Publications

Temporary work (or job on call) is an employment contract whereby the worker makes himself available for non-continuous or temporary work, identified by...

Catégories: Publications

The main introductions regarding part-time work concern the topic of working time changes, which has always been a relevant subject for the legislator.

Catégories: Interviews

La spécialisation en conseil aux entreprises : un choix réussi à ce jour dans le domaine du droit du travail. Vittorio De Luca, managing partner du cabinet d’avocats du même nom, qui, l’an prochain aura quarante ans d’activité dans ce secteur, a été interviewé par Finanza&Diritto. Source : FinanzaeDiritto.it  

Catégories: Legislation

The draft of the legislative decree on simplifications, rejected in its first draft by the Government last 11 June, enacting article 1, paragraph 7, letter f) of Law 183/2014, rewrites the text of the Workers' Statute in terms of remote controls. In its new formulation basically the trade union and/or authorisation procedure handled by the local employment office (DTl) for installation of audio-visual systems shall remain the same, while provisions will be introduced regarding work instruments.

Catégories: Legislation

The enactment of the contract with increased protection based on seniority raises interpretation questions regarding the statute of limitations for remuneration due for employment.