DLP Insights

Catégories: Case Law

With its ruling no. 3486/2015, the Cassation Court established that if a company is sentenced to reinstate a worker due to wrongful dismissal, the months pay that the worker would have received if he had accepted the company’s offer of a new job, are subtracted from the total compensation for damages owed to the worker (calculated as wages lost from the day of dismissal until the day of reinstatement).

Catégories: Case Law

La Chambre du Travail du Tribunal de Milan a rejeté le recours présenté par un ancien salarié d’une société cliente de notre cabinet, qui s’était adressé au Tribunal afin que soit reconnue l’illégitimité de son licenciement pour dépassement de la période de congé maladie, déplorant que l’infirmité dont il était atteint avait été provoquée et ....

Catégories: Legislation

With the Decree 29/2015, which became effective last 3 April, workers can request monthly payment of their post-employment benefits (so-called "QUIR") in relation to pay periods from 1 March 2015 to 30 June 2018.

Catégories: Case Law

The Cassation Court, with its ruling no. 6631/2015 of 1 April 2015, confirmed that an office environment which is too cold justified the workers refusal to work, and in such cases the workers do not lose their right to pay.

Catégories: Legislation

An agreement was signed on 31 March to renew the collective labour contract of the tertiary, distribution and services sector starting 1 April 2015.