DLP Insights

Catégories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 4439/2014, stated that not material damages is a unitary and full-comprehensive category, as the material damages, which does not change its character only because concerns goods of different nature.

Catégories: Legislation

The guidelines of the State-Regions Conference on apprenticeship focus on the regional training which, according to the Consolidation Act of 2011, can not last more than 40 hours per year.

Catégories: Legislation

INAIL, with note no. 11/2014, stated that the following communication have to be made only through electronic modality with the online services accessed from the website of the Institute: (i) the communication of the names of the employees' health and safety representative (so called “RLS”) and (ii) from February 15, 2014, also the communication of the names of collaborators and assistants of family businesses, assistants of commercial companies and partners-employees of business and of companies in corporate form.

Catégories: Legislation

Art. 8, par. 2-ter, of the Decree called “Milleproroghe” no. 150/2013, approved by the Chamber of Deputies, in the stage of law conversion, provides for that also for the current year the workers who are receiving any kind of unemployment insurances can be employed with the type of so called “accessory work”, provided that the salary is not higher than EUR 3,000 during the solar year, without losing the relevant status and the indemnity paid.

Catégories: Case Law

Court of Bergamo, with the sentence no. 941 of December 12, 2013, extended the performances automaticity principle, which ensures to employees the right to receive the retirement indemnity also in case the employer omitted to pay the social security contributions accrued, also to coordinates and continuative self employees.