DLP Insights

Catégories: Case Law

The Supreme Court, IV criminal section, with sentence no. 21628 of May 20, 2013, confirmed that, regarding security in the work place, the liability for the injury at work is charged on the members of the Board of Directors, unless, throughout a deliberation, the guarantee position is assigned to just one of the directors.

Catégories: Legislation

The intervention put in place by the Government for refinancing the Special Redundancy Fund (so called “Cassa Integrazione Guadagni in deroga”) does not affect the resources available for the tax reduction of productivity incomes in the year 2013; it affects, however, the fund for the tax reliefs concerning the social security contributions of productivity agreements which will have to be implemented and regulated by decree of the Ministry of Labour.

Catégories: Legislation

The employee, reinstated by the Court, must not be transferred in different premises from the ones where he/she worked at the time of employment termination, unless the employer does not demonstrate the existence of technical, productive or organizational needs, which makes the change of the work place necessary.

Catégories: Legislation

The National Institute for Social Security (so called “INPS”), with note no. 77 of May 13, 2013, provided some clarifications about the recognition of daily indemnity of illness and parental leave for the employees enrolled in INPS Special Fund.

Catégories: Case Law

The subordinate employee has a binding obligation of “correct and timely information to the employer” of his/her incapability to carry out the duties he has been assigned to, starting from his own presence on the work place.