Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
For the Ministry of Labor the new settlement procedure introduced by the art. 7 Law 64/1966 can also concern further issues, beyond the specific one regarding the dismissal.
Catégories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation, with decision No. 106/2012, has stated that the employee, actually sick, cannot be dismissed only because he did not send the certificate in time, reducing the gravity of employee’s default.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Milan, with sentence of November 28, 2012, stated that the breach of the obligation of so called repachage makes the dismissal for justified objective reason unlawful, but the consequence is just the indemnity for damages in favor of the terminated employee (and not the reinstatement), if the suppression of the job position is effective.
Catégories: Legislation
Ministry of Labor, with question no. 42/2012, specified that seasonal companies will not pay ASpI additional.
Catégories: Legislation
The circular of the Ministry of Labour No. 32/2012 and the Ministerial Decree dated December 20, 2012 clarified, in the light of the so called Fornero Reform (Law No. 92/2012), the several conditions to be respected for VAT collaborations: (i) specifying, in particular, the method for calculating the temporal condition of eight months in order to consider the VAT collaborations as free-lance collaborations on project basis and (ii) explaining that the new rules contained in Law No. 92/2012 have not to be applied to most of the companies and to professional firms and that the first inspections may be executed no earlier than July 18, 2014.