Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
Ministry of Labor, with question no. 42/2012, specified that seasonal companies will not pay ASpI additional.
Catégories: Legislation
The circular of the Ministry of Labour No. 32/2012 and the Ministerial Decree dated December 20, 2012 clarified, in the light of the so called Fornero Reform (Law No. 92/2012), the several conditions to be respected for VAT collaborations: (i) specifying, in particular, the method for calculating the temporal condition of eight months in order to consider the VAT collaborations as free-lance collaborations on project basis and (ii) explaining that the new rules contained in Law No. 92/2012 have not to be applied to most of the companies and to professional firms and that the first inspections may be executed no earlier than July 18, 2014.
Catégories: Case Law
The Constitutional Court, with decision No. 287/2012, has decided that the reform of training provided for by Article 11 of Legislative Decree No. 138/2011 (converted into Law No. 148/2011) is unconstitutional because it invades the competences reserved exclusively to the legislative power of the Regions.
Catégories: Legislation
The unemployment indemnity is retrospective for the employees terminated for objective justified reasons who reached a mutual termination agreement through the settlement procedure after last July 18.
Catégories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, with memorandum No. 29/2012, has identified a black list for the free-lance relationship on project basis, indicating - by way of example and not limitation, according to the existing case law guidelines - a series of duties which, for their peculiarity, could never be executed with collaboration contract.