DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Legislation

On July 19, 2012 INPS, with message No. 12125/2012, stated the instructions and the codes necessary for the enjoyment of the social security contribution reduction due to both companies (25%) and employees (100%) on the production bonuses paid in 2012.

Catégories: Case Law

The Court of Cassation, with sentence No. 11465/2012, stated the principle based on which a company, which needs to obtain a more efficient management in order to face an economic downturn, may dismiss an employee for “justified grounds” (so called “giustificato motivo”).

Catégories: Legislation

The Government and the parliamentary majority which supports it have reached an agreement on some modifications to the reform of labor market to be included in the so called “Decreto Sviluppo”.

Catégories: Legislation

INPS, with message No. 11019/2012, stated that the renewal agreements have not to be registered at the Labor Local Direction (so called “DTL”) for the recognition of the social security contribution reduction applicable on the amounts provided for by the second level contracts.

Catégories: Legislation

Law no. 92/2012, containing “Provisions on the labor market reform in a development perspective”, has been issued on the Ordinary Supplement no. 136 to the Official Gazette of July 3, 2012.