DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Legislation

The big novelty for the employers referred to the “flexibility in entrance” regards the fixed-term contracts.

Catégories: Legislation

The Bill of the labor market reform has been approved yesterday at the Chamber: 393 favorable votes, 74 opposite votes and 46 abstentions.

Catégories: Legislation

The labor market reform provides a new regulation concerning the loss of the economic treatments for income support, both during and afterwards the working relationship.

Catégories: Case Law

The Supreme Court, with the sentence no. 9965 of the April 11th, 2012, stated that the employer who reinstates only partially an executive of the company union representative, just paying the salary and acknowledging him/her the trade rights but refusing his/her work performance, is subject to administrative sanction provided for by the art. 10, par. 8, of the Law no. 300/70 (so called “Statuto dei Lavoratori”) (i.e. payment of an amount equal to the daily wage due to the employee, for each day of delay, in favour of the INPS Fund for the pensions adjustment).

Catégories: Legislation

INAIL, with note No. 3760/2012, has clarified that the social security contribution irregularity for the obtainment of the so called “DURC” cannot be declared if the company was not primarily invited to the regularization, giving a period of 15 days.