DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Legislation

INAIL, with note No. 3341/2012, stated that employers, who have not complied with the regulative deadline of March 16, 2012 concerning the communication of salaries paid in 2011, may regularize their position making the abovementioned declaration within June 18, 2012, thus avoiding the risk of the application of the administrative sanction equal to EUR 770.

Catégories: Legislation

Senate approved yesterday the bill on the labour law reform, with 231 favorable votes, 33 not favorable votes and 9 abstensions.

Catégories: Case Law

Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 5241/2012, specified that companies which did not execute the risks assessment may not enter into fixed-term contracts.

Catégories: Legislation

More time for the corrections of the non-essential data of the mandatory communications to “Centro per l’Impiego”.

Catégories: Legislation

INPS, with message No. 8447/2012, stated that the doubling of the prescription period, from five to ten years, for the recovery of the unpaid social security contributions is applicable only if the complaint occurs within five years from the expiry thereof.