Catégories: Case Law
In the circumstance a person carries out an activity being shareholder and has been appointed as director in a limited company of the commercial sector, it shall take into account which is the predominant activity between those mentioned above and the possible coexistence of different pension scheme on the same subject in order to establish if the registration in the relevant pension scheme is compulsory or not.
Catégories: Legislation
INPS, with message no. 14448/2011, provided some clarification on the sentence no. 116/2011 according to which the Constitutional Court declared the female employee right, in case of premature birth and hospitalization of the child, to use the compulsory leave period as of the actual entry of the newborn child in the family. The same right is granted to the father if he uses the leave instead of the mother for death or serious illness of the latter, abandonment of the child by the mother or the father sole custody of the child.
Catégories: Legislation
From July 1, 2011, United kingdom has adopted the so called “Bribery Act”, which corresponds to our Law 231/2001, implementing the international agreement Ocse regarding unlawful payments to foreign officer.
Catégories: Legislation
The retirement age for female employees will begin to rise very gradually as of 2020 and will arrive at 65 year-old in 2032.
Catégories: Case Law
The apprenticeship reform, besides the confirmation of the existing economic incentives, sets the chance to hire employees who are included in unemployment lists as apprentices.