Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners
Catégories: Legislation
With the approval by the Senate of the Law Decree “Milleproroghe”, deadlines for dismissal challenges are postponed.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation stated that, in case of dismissal for just cause, employer has to prove that the employee’s behaviour has damaged the trust beneath the employment relationship, in order to legitimate the measure.
Catégories: Legislation
The labor consultants and the professional associations (among which “AIDP”) agree on the proposal for the interested companies of suspending the reduced taxation levied on the amounts paid for overtime, night and shift work and related to productivity increases. The mentioned proposal is suggested though the fiscal incentive introduced by Law Decree no. 93/08 has been extended by Law no. 220/10 (so called “Legge di stabilità”).
Catégories: Legislation
After the coming in force of the so called “Collegato Lavoro”, Courts stated on compensation issue in case of fixed-term contract conversion into an open-ended one.
Catégories: Legislation
The Ministry of Labour, with memorandum dated 31th January 2011, informed that the term for the sending of the disabled workers form, originally provided for 31st January 2011, is extended to 15th February 2011.