Catégories: Case Law
The labour section of the Court of Cassation stated that the company communication concerning the reduction of the work activity is not enough to trigger temporary lay off of the workforce.
Catégories: Legislation
Recently, the Ministry of Labour specified the kind of the employees’ allowance in case of business trips and its regulation, with reference to the computation of the hours’ travel.
Catégories: Legislation
On 25th May 2010, the Ministries’ Council has approved the financial decree concerning the years 2011-2013.
Catégories: Legislation
Here are some of the main labour law amendments of the so called "Work related act" (presented by the chairman Maurizio Castro, PDL party) that may be examined by the Labour Commission of the Senate:
Catégories: Legislation
Italian Leg. Decree 5/10 came into force on 20 February 2010 to implement European Community Directive 54/06 on equal opportunity and equal treatment between men and women at the work place.