Catégories: Case Law
The Court of Cassation stated that in the case of fixed term hiring for the replacement of a worker absent having the right to hold his job (Law no. 230/62), the possibility to replace him by “sliding” another worker implies the existence of a causal type of correlation between the replacement’s activity and that of ....
Catégories: Case Law
In intervening on remote controls of company personal computers, the Court of Cassation determined that it is forbidden to install software on said computers that allows controlling accesses to the network of employees and, in general, that are able to perform verification not agreed to with the trade unions and Provincial Labour Office.
Catégories: Case Law
The Preliminary Investigation Magistrate of Milan for the first time excluded objective responsibility of a company charged with the crime of IT market rigging (art. 2637 of the Civil Code), having considered the organizational model adopted complying with Leg. Decree 231/01.
Catégories: Legislation
The Senate definitively approved the so-called “Labour Attachment to the financial measure” (Bill 1167-B).
Catégories: Legislation
Italian Leg. Decree 5/10 came into force on 20 February 2010 to implement European Community Directive 54/06 on equal opportunity and equal treatment between men and women at the work place.