Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 5963 of March 11, stated that a company that cancels a professional position is not obliged to train the relevant employee for different duties, but it can dismiss him/her when equivalent duties to be assigned do not exist.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 4301 of February 21, 2013, stated that the downgrading of the employee for organizational needs, if it is guaranteed in a prevailing way the performance of the ordinary duties.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, labor section, with sentence no. 4559 of February 22, 2013, stated that the termination of an employee who, during the sickness leave, goes hunting with friends.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 1693 of January 24, stated that the subordinate employee’s refusal of carrying out his work performance (e.g. in the case he/she is assigned to lower duties) can be lawful and, therefore, make unlawful the dismissal based on the principle of “self-protection” in the equivalent performances contract, if the refusal is balanced to the unlawful behavior of the employer and in compliance with the principle of good faith.
Catégories: Case Law
Court of Cassation, with sentence no. 1148/2013, stated that the maximum threshold of indemnity equal to 12 monthly wages, set by Law no. 183/2010 (so called “Collegato Lavoro”), in case the fixed term employment contract is converted in an open ended one, applies also in case of conversion of the temporary work (therefore, staff supply).