The Decree 31 May 2010, No. 78, has been published in the Italian Official Gazette. With this act the government has adopted the financial act for 2011 and 2012 of 24.9 billion Euro. The decree has also regulated some labour law related issues. Below, some of the provisions introduced:
Ø It has been established the compatibility between the enrolment at INPS (National social security institute) – dealer management – and the enrolment at INPS – separate management;
Ø It has been amended the arrangements for the pension treatments;
Ø the recovery of the amounts due to INPS, as for 2011, will be carried out by an executive notice of charge;
Ø it has been provided a 10% add-on tax to be paid on the stock options and on the other variable fees that exceed three times the fixed payment salaries;
Ø it has been provided some changes in tax and social security proceedings;
Øif the amount of severance pay (TFR) is more than 90thousand Euros, it will have to be paid in two annual amounts, while where the amount exceed the 150thousand Euros it will be paid out in three annual amounts.
Le 12 décembre 2024, la Cour de cassation a jugé conformes les demandes de référendum déposées en juillet par la CGIL concernant, entre autres, la réglementation des licenciements illégaux dans le cadre du contrat de travail dit de « protection croissante » en application du décret législatif 23/2015.Ce système correctif a toujours intéressé l’opinion publique ....
Vittorio De Luca, interviewé par Giorgio Pogliotti de Il Sole 24 Ore, a abordé la question du licenciement en cas de remboursements de frais exagérés. Une attention particulière devrait être accordée aux actions et processus à adopter pour que les entreprises puissent sanctionner ou licencier efficacement les employés qui profitent des remboursements de frais pour ....
L’invio del certificato medico tramite fax è una valida modalità di comunicazione della malattia da parte del lavoratore, in quanto espressamente prevista nel regolamento aziendale La Corte di Cassazione, con ordinanza n. 25661 del 25 settembre 2024, ha ritenuto illegittimo il licenziamento di un lavoratore che, in ferie all’estero, aveva comunicato la propria assenza per malattia, ....
Con la sentenza 470/2024, la Corte d’appello di Milano ha nuovamente affrontato la questione relativa alla possibilità di includere il ricavato ottenuto dalla vendita delle stock option nella retribuzione utile ai fini del calcolo del preavviso e delle indennità di fine rapporto. La Corte ha statuito che, poiché nel caso specifico, i proventi derivanti dalle stock ....