DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Practice

On 13 April 2016, the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, in agreement with the Minister of the Economy and Finance, has signed the implementing decree sanctioning “subsidized” part-time work as introduced by the 2016 Stability Law, to promote the so-called “active aging”. The decree in question clarifies the methods for employers to notify to ....

Catégories: Practice

On 25 March 2016, the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, in agreement with the Minister of the Economy and Finance, has signed the decree provided for by the 2016 Stability Law, for the purpose of the determination of the criteria (i) to measure increases in productivity, profitability, quality, efficiency and innovation based upon which ....

Catégories: Practice

On 14 April 2016, the Trade Unions of the Credit Sector and the Italian Banking Association (ABI) have approved the final coordinated text of the National Collective Labour Agreement for the Credit Sector. The agreement is the result of long negotiations, which went on for more than one year, following underwriting of the agreement between ....

Catégories: Practice

Le 12 mars 2016 a marqué l’entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle procédure pour la démission et les résolutions consensuelles en ligne introduite par le Jobs Act (loi sur le travail). La nouvelle réglementation présente toutefois certains points critiques. D’abord, un premier doute concerne son application en cas de démission au cours de la période d’essai. ....

Catégories: Practice

By replying to questioning No. 7/2016 raised by Confindustria, the Ministry of Labour provides clarification on the right to priority and on contributory exemption. In particular, the Ministry of Labour was requested whether the employer may benefit from the contributory exemption under article 1, paragraph 118, of Law No. 190/2014, for the purposes of hiring ....