DLP Insights

Commentaires et outils issus de l’expérience de De Luca & Partners

Catégories: Practice

As regards the employment targeted at the disabled, Legislative Decree No. 151/2015 has introduced some new developments on the so-called ‘reserve quota’, partial exemptions, mandatory hiring procedures, automatic compensation for public employers and implementation of the so-called ‘Targeted employment database‘. Therefore, in order to enable the adjustment of the IT systems and ensure a full ....

Catégories: Practice

With its circular No. 3 of 1 February 2016, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies has given its own inspectors the first operational instructions on the new rules on freelance work coordinated by an employer, as per Legislative Decree No. 81/2015. In particular, the Ministry has dwelled upon the so-called heter-organisation issue, by considering ....

Catégories: Practice

With circular n. 22350 of 18 December 2015 the Ministry of Labour made some changes to the forms currently used in order to verify in a more thorough way the validity of resignations by working mothers and working fathers (but also agreed terminations), starting from 2016. This control confirms the desire to oppose the phenomenon ....

Catégories: Practice

Au terme de négociations longues et complexes, le 10 décembre 2015 a été signé le projet de renouvellement de la CCNT du secteur Caoutchouc – Plastique, expirant le 31 décembre 2015, qui sera soumis à la validation des travailleurs d’ici le 1er février 2016. Parmi les différents points de l’accord, il convient de noter (i) une augmentation moyenne ....

Catégories: Practice

The Commission for requests on occupational safety, with note no. 4/2015, in responding to a question from the Associazione nazionale costruttori edili (Ance), clarified that (i) the risk assessment document must contain the accurate identification of all of the risks connected with the work to perform, not being able to refer to the job abstractly assigned to the worker and (ii) training must be considered an integral part of the work organisation, correlated with the risk assessment, and as a consequence must be periodically review in relation to changes in risks or manifestation of new risks. The above entails that the training given to a worker must be tailored to the specific activities that the worker is asked to perform, whose specific risks must be adequately covered.